
Why I am an Atheist: The Burden of Proof

You know something? I am getting real fucking tired of theists pushing the burden of proof onto atheists. It seems to me that a misunderstanding of what atheism actually means is at the crux of this issue, and I am going to do my best to explain why the burden of proving gods existence lies exclusively on theists, and why atheists have no burden of proof.


Atheistic Existentialism - God is an Alien

I don't believe in any gods, and I am totally okay with that.

Religion has always kind of been a serious afterthought in my life- never pushed onto me by my parents or relatives and never on the forefront of my mind. Until more recently, I have had very little to say about religion at all. I would poke fun at "bible-beaters" or whatever in high school because it was the cool thing to do- but how did I really feel about God- or any gods, really? How did I feel about religious organizations? Why was I so quick to dismiss religion outright? Having never felt the need for a god or religion in my life, I started to wonder why.


A Trillion Updates At Once

So, this blog has had quite a bumpy start. As soon as I launched, my hard drive took a fatal dump. Of course, I had to get it replaced. About a week later, as soon as I got the replacement hard drive situated, it suffered the same horrible fate. Hard times for hard drives over here! I think we can all assume that God has struck my hard drives down in a fit of vengeful rage.


Amb. Raymond Joseph > Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson is reprehensible. This isn't news.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that Robertson is a terrible person. It's abundantly clear that regardless of the circumstances, Robertson loves to say stupid, abhorrent shit. It doesn't take an overactive imagination to picture Robertson using his influence to spread hatred and bigotry- at least, I can say him saying these things doesn't really surprise me. It's disgusting, dismaying and fills my rage meter, but it doesn't surprise me. I mean, come on, it's Pat-Fucking-Robertson!


Tim Minchin is one of my favorite people because he uses music and comedy to promote freethinking and skepticism. One of his most moving and prolific pieces is a beat poem entitled "Storm".

Maiden Post

Where to start? I could drone on about myself; what drove me to put together this little blog, why I seem to think my thoughts are worth sharing with the world- all of which are probably things that blog readers expect. Honestly, I don't think my thoughts are that important to anyone. I don't think that I am special, or that my opinion matters more than anyone elses. I simply want to have a little corner of the internet to express myself about things I feel passionately about, with the hopes that others of the same mindset may decide to do the same. It is extremely important, in my opinion, to band together as freethinkers, humanists and skeptics to fully explore and fight perverse social changes that take place every single day right under our noses. The easiest and most effective way to accomplish this it seems, is to author a blog.